Southeast Valley Middle School


JH Softball 7/1 @ Harcourt vs the Greene County Rams

The Jags took on the Rams of Greene County on July 1st. In game one the Jags fell to the Rams losing 5-16. Jaguars who scored were Farrah Tuel, Molly Vansickle, Quinn Sorenson, and Bella Smith. 

In game two, the Jags defeated the Rams 12-3. Scoring for the Jags include Kinslie Nolte, Peyton Lockner, Sage Lane, Addison Ludquist, Taylor Goeders, Jacey Carlson, Karley Smith, Chloe Richardson, and Farrah Tuel. On the mound for the Jags was Karley Smith with 4 strikeouts on the day. As the season is closing all of these girls have shown amazing growth and it's going to be exciting to see what they can do year to year. The 7th Grade record is 3-9 going into their last game and the 8th grade record is 8 -3 approaching their last game as well.