March 18, 2025 (EVEN DAY)
· CONGRATULATIONS to Aurora Dencklau for being chosen to perform in the Reviewing category at All-State speech.
· Anyone looking for a summer job starting June 1st through July 6th, $15/hour see Mrs Eckert
· A link to a web store created through Decker Sports, offering SV Golf Apparel is on the website. The store is open until March 23rd. Southeast Valley HS Golf 2025 | Decker Sporting Goods
· There is a sign-up sheet for yourself & your date to receive a prom t-shirt. These need to be turned in NO later than March 26th. After this date there is no guarantee we can get you a shirt in your size.
· Miss Applebee has the Spanish 2 pins. Spanish 2B students from 2nd trimester can stop in and pick their pin up.
· The SV Greenhouse is partnering with the American Legion Peterson Post 431 of Gowrie to host a Memorial Day Cemetary Wreath Contest. If you would like to participate or want more information, please see Ms. Burish, Ms. Jaeschke or Ms. Kurnert. Deadline for the contest is Friday, March 28 at 3:30 pm.
· All Prom forms are now available in the office. The cost for out of town guests, graduates or 9th and 10th graders invited to attend is $10
· Registration forms for driver's ed class through Iowa Central in June are in the office. In person classes will be held only two days, June 17th and 18th