LAU PLAN 2024-2025
Southeast Valley Community School District
LAU Plan
2024-2025 School Year
Lau Plan
According to the Code of Iowa, districts are required to have a plan to identify and serve the educational needs of Limited English Proficient students (Chapter 280—280.4 and 281-60.1-6). In order to meet the linguistic, academic, social, and emotional needs of ELs, districts are required to develop a service plan.
The district plan designed to meet the instructional needs of English Learners (ELs) is referred to as the Lau Plan (Lau v. Nichols, 1974). The Lau Plan must be collaboratively written by the K-12 team, to include: district administrator(s), building administrator(s), equity coordinator (public only), EL teacher(s), classroom /content teacher(s).
Required Lau Plan Team Members:
Brian Johnson, Superintendent
Allie Slinker, Curriculum DIrector
Chelsey Danielson, Elementary School Principal
ELL Coordinator, Tamara Hanson
Jenny Eckert, Counselor
Jamie Varangkounh, Counselor
I. Lau Plan Guiding Principles
Our district is committed to preparing students to become effective contributors in an interdependent global community. Therefore, we are committed to student’s language development while celebrating diversity.
II. Identification and Placement of ELs in a Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP)
All parents are asked to complete the Home Language Survey-IA (HLS-IA) at the time of registration (281-60.3(1).. Completed home language surveys are placed in the student’s cumulative folder as well as maintained in the district’s student information systems.. The Southeast Valley community school district is prepared to conduct oral or native language interviews in the student’s home language in Spanish with those adults who may not have sufficient English or literacy skills to complete a survey written in English or in their home language (281-60.3(1). If there is a need for other languages, every attempt is made to find competent adults in the community or use language line services.
If a new family indicates a language other than English on the HLS-IA, or there are more indicators of EL need, the enrolling school secretary lets the EL coordinator know about the arrival of the student. The EL coordinator will facilitate the identification process as needed.
State-approved English language proficiency placement assessment
Step 1: Initial Placement
EL coordinator administers the ELPA21 to measure listening, speaking, reading and writing levels in English within 30 days of the beginning of the school year (NCLB, Sec. 3302(a)), or two weeks of the student’s enrollment, if it is after the start of the school year (NCLB, Sec. 3302(d)). A copy of the assessment results will be kept in the student’s cumulative folder.
Placement of El’s in appropriate LIEP programming designed to meet their English language:
Step 2: Students will be assessed with the state-approved English language proficiency placement assessment which is currently the ELPA21 screener. This will be done by a certified screener administrator.
Step 3: Once language and academic skills have been assessed, the EL staff reviews the data with appropriate administrators and members of the LAU Leadership Team. In addition, prior student records, and informal assessments are reviewed and used to determine placement. If the student is non-English or limited English proficient on the English language development assessment or based on previous records, the student is identified for the LIEP.
Step 4: Preliminary LIEP Placement
Based on assessment results, the EL student should be assigned to mainstream classrooms with students the same chronological age, with no more than two years differential (60.3(3)a).
LIEP services begin upon identification.
Parental notification of eligibility following state guidelines, in language most easily understood.
Step 5: Parental Notification (NCLB, Sec. 3302)
When a student is identified for the LIEP:
A. Parents must be notified
1. Parents are notified no later than 30 calendar days after the beginning of the school year.
2. Within two weeks of a child being placed in a language instruction program (if a student enrolls after the beginning of the year)
B. Parental Notification must include
1. Reasons for identification
2. Child’s level of English language development
3. Method of instruction
4. How the program will meet the educational strengths and needs of the student
5. How the program will help the student learn English
6. The program’s specific exit requirements
7. How the program meets the objectives of the IEP of a student with a disability
C. Parental information must be provided in “an understandable and uniform format, to the extent practicable,” In a language that the parents can understand.
The completed Parental Notification forms are returned with the parent’s signature and placed in the student’s cumulative folder by EL or office staff. The EL staff follows up on unreturned forms. An example of the parental notification is found in Appendix D.
If parents wish to waive enrollment in the LIEP, a meeting is held to discuss recommendations, concerns, and potential outcomes. The Waiver/Refusal of English as a second language program is then signed by the parents and placed in the student’s cumulative folder. The classroom teachers will be made aware of the waiver and expected to provide appropriate support to ensure mastery of English and academic achievement. An Example of the Waiver is found in Appendix D. These students will still continue to be tested with the ELPA-21 until they are proficient.
III. Description of the LIEP
Description of the LIEP:
Description of specific state approved LIEP model(s) used in a district and the process to place students.
● Intensive English for newcomers
The Southeast Valley Community School District uses a variety of program models in their English as a second language program. Each program model integrates Common Core Standards. Collaboration between mainstream and LIEP teachers is frequent and ongoing, including lesson plans, instructional materials, and appropriate strategies for English proficiency. The program models include:
English as a Second Language Program (ESL)
ELs are in the mainstream classes with non-EL’s. The goal is both academic content and proficiency in English. The ELs are integrated in the mainstream, English-only classroom. Students may be grouped or pulled out from time to time to meet their needs. The LIEP teachers have appropriate training and the paras are under the supervision of LIEP teacher(s).
Parents will be notified annually of continuing placement and programming options in the language most easily understood.
Parents must be notified every year:
1. Parents are notified no later than 30-calendar days after the beginning of the school year.
2. Within two weeks of a child being placed in a language instruction program (if a student enrolls after the beginning of the year).
Parental Notification must include:
1. Reasons for identification
2. Child’s level of English language development
3. Method of instruction
4. How the program will meet the educational strengths and needs of the students.
5. How the program will help the student learn English
6. The program’s specific exit requirements
7. How the program meets the objective of the IEP of a student with a disability.
Procedures for Waiving LIEP services is in place
If parents wish to waive enrollment in the LIEP, a meeting is held to discuss recommendations, concerns, and potential outcomes. The Waiver/Refusal of English as a second language program is then signed by the parents and placed in the student’s cumulative folder. The classroom teachers will be made aware of the waiver and expected to provide appropriate support to ensure mastery of English and academic achievement. An example of the waiver is found in Appendix D.
Highly Qualified Staff
Tamara Hanson; LIEP Teacher
Designated administrator oversight for LIEP’s
Building principals are responsible to oversee the districts LIEP (s)
Access to Iowa Core for English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards
The Southeast Valley Community School District uses a variety of program models in their English as a Second Language Program. Each program model integrates Common Core Standards and ELP Standards. Collaboration between mainstream and LIEP teachers is frequent and ongoing, including lesson plans, instructional materials, and appropriate strategies for English proficiency.
Curriculum and Supplemental Resources
LIEP Curriculum and Supplemental Resources
The district will purchase and modify instructional materials that are appropriate to the needs of the learner and goals of instructional programs (280-180.4) State funding is provided for the “excess costs of instruction of ELL students.” (281-6.4 and 60.6(280)).
IV. Process to Provide Meaningful Access to all Co-curricular and Extracurricular Programs and Activities
Participation in Title I, special education, and TAG programs will be available to EL students per the same established criteria for non-EL students. The general education teacher at the elementary school, homeroom teacher at the middle school, and school counselor at the high school will ensure that all co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities are offered and thoroughly explained to EL students. Printed information can be translated as needed.
V. Ongoing, Embedded District Level EL Professional Development for Staff who Deliver Instruction or Support the LIEP for ELs
Evidence: Professional development for those who deliver or support LIEP services and training and implementation of ELP standards.
Ongoing Embedded EL Professional Development for Staff who Support ELs.
● District and building administrators
● LIEP staff (certified and support staff)
● Content/Classroom teachers
● Paraprofessionals
● Building/District support staff (instructional Coach, Counselor, Curriculum Coordinator)
In-service training is provided for all staff involved in the educational process of ELs (281-12.5(8), 12.8(1), 60.3(3)b5). All educators and appropriate school personnel receive in-service training regarding instructional techniques and modifications for EL students with continuing training provided according to the district's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. (281-12.7 (256) and 281-60.3(3)b5).
Annually, all teachers are informed about EL students in his/her classroom. The information will include ELPA21 results and student’s current levels of English acquisition utilizing the Language Acquisition Chart. General education teachers, EL teachers and administrators will have opportunities to attend training sessions provided by the IDE and AEA in regards to EL, appropriate teaching strategies, and best practices.
The Lau Plan Committee members will meet at the beginning of the year and then as needed. The first meeting will take place in the fall and may address the following.
● Review of district’s Lau Plan
● ELPA21 scores
● Number of ELs in district
● Programming services
● EL professional development for the current school year
● Discuss students ELPA21 results/scores
● Determine which students meet the exit criteria
● Review and make changes, if needed, to the Lau Plan based on the district's evaluation process.
● Update Lau Plan with revised rubric from the DE (data revised Lau Members, superintendent, principals, EL teacher, EL Coordinator, Counselor, and curriculum director
● Update District Self-Study document.
District Training:
District training of ELP Standards and implementation plan:
A. Our Plan describes PD for required staff for ELP Standards completion and implementation.
a. Completion of required training selected
i. Option A: view the Modules individually or collectively via AEA PD Online and take the associated brief quiz to document completion and content attainment. Teachers of EL instructors will view and implement their ELP standards. Their certificates of completion of modules will be placed in their files.
VI. Annual English Language Proficiency Assessment and Administration (ELPA21)
Annual English Language Proficiency Assessments and Administration
English Learners will be evaluated annually with a standardized English language development instrument recommended by the state of Iowa. The district administers the ELPA21 in the spring.
Certified LIEP staff have received the yearly ELPA21 training to administer the test. All students who have been identified as ELs (including those students whose parents have waived/refused services), are assessed. Parents are informed prior to the test that their child will be assessed with the ELPA21 (Appendix D).
Dissemination of scores to stakeholders
The test results are sent to parents so they are aware of the language growth of their child. Data is shared with pertinent staff such as classroom teachers, administrators, resource personnel, etc.
Appropriate training to interpret results to staff
Training may be presented through webinars.
Assessments results (data) used to guide instruction and programming
The LIEP staff analyzes the data to make appropriate instructional support and program decisions.
VII. LIEP Exit Criteria and Procedures
LIEP Exit Criteria
When a student meets proficiency on the ELPA 21, the student is considered 'transitioned'. At this time, ESL support may be less extensive, and annual English proficiency testing is no longer required. The school team continues to closely monitor the student’s progress for the following two years, intervening when necessary and providing for re-entry into the program as necessary. After two years of meeting grade-level expectations, students may be formally exited at which time written notification will be provided to parents and placed in the student’s permanent cumulative file, and the student will no longer be classified as an EL learner, nor will he/she be eligible for accommodations on district-wide assessments.
Appendix A
Please download the full Department of Justice and Office of Civil Rights Joint Guidance document from:
Appendix B
Description of LIEP Models
Newcomer Program: Newcomer programs are separate, relatively self-contained educational interventions designed to meet the academic and transitional needs of newly arrived immigrants; typically, students attend these programs before they enter more traditional programs (e.g., English Language Development programs or mainstream classrooms with supplemental ESL instruction).
Sheltered Instruction: An instructional approach used to make academic instruction in English understandable to ELs. In the sheltered classroom, teachers use physical activities, visual aids, and the environment to teach vocabulary for concept development in mathematics, science, social studies, and other subjects.
English as a Second Language (ESL): A program of techniques, methodology, and special curriculum designed to teach ELs English language skills, which may include listening, speaking, reading, writing, study skills, content vocabulary, and cultural orientation. Further, ESL instruction is usually in English with little use of native language.
Dual Language Program: Also known as two-way, or developmental, the goal of these bilingual programs is for students to develop language proficiency in two languages by receiving instruction in English and another language in a classroom that is usually comprised of half native English speakers and half native speakers of the other language.
Other Bilingual Program: Bilingual education refers to approaches in the classroom that use the native language of English language learners (ELs) for instruction.
Appendix C
Title III Compliance Assurances: Checklist for Districts
Title III (Public and Nonpublic)
□ The LEA uses state-approved exit criteria to determine when students should be exited from the LIEP program [Iowa Code 281-60.3(3)b4]
□ The LEA ensures that all paraprofessionals serving EL students are supervised by a highly qualified teacher. [Iowa Code 281-60.3(2)]
□ The LEA has a designated administrator overseeing the LEA’s LIEP.
□ The LEA has a policy of admitting students regardless of their immigrant status or English-speaking status. [Plyer vs. Doe (1982); Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (1964)]
□ The LEA includes a Home Language Survey (TransAct form IA) in registration materials for all students and maintains these forms in student cumulative folders. [Iowa Code 281-60.3]
□ The LEA maintains and annually revises the LEA Lau (EL) Plan. [NCLB Sec. 3116] (Lau v. Nichols, 1974)
□ The LEA provides a Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) with direct instruction provided by a highly qualified (ESL-endorsed) teacher. Consultative services do not meet the requirement for direct instruction. [Iowa Code 281-60.3(2)]
□ The LEA reports required EL data elements on Iowa’s Student Reporting System.
□ The LEA uses the state-approved language proficiency test (ELPA21) to screen and identify ELs (including parental notification) within the first 30 days of a student being enrolled in the LEA at the beginning of the school year, and within 14 days thereafter. [NCLB Sec. 3302(a); Iowa Code 281-60.3(1)b] IOWA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA) Assurances 2016-2017 Iowa Department of Education Page | 2 Title III (Public Only)
□ The LEA assesses the English proficiency of all EL students with the state-approved English language proficiency assessment (ELPA21) annually. [NCLB Sec. 3113(b)(3)(D)]
□ The LEA assures that LIEPs carried out under Title III will ensure that ELs being served by the programs develop English proficiency. [NCLB, Pub. L. No. 107-110].
□ The LEA disseminates ELPA21 scores to parents and LEA staff. [NCLB Sec. 3121]
□ The LEA ensures educators administering the state approved language proficiency monitoring assessment recertify annually.
□ The LEA ensures educators administering the state-approved language proficiency test for identification & placement recertify annually.
□ The LEA ensures that all EL students participate in LEA-wide assessments. [NCLB Sec. 3121]
□ The LEA ensures that the programs will enable children to speak, read, write, and comprehend the English language and meet challenging LEA academic content and student academic achievement standards [NCLB, Pub. L. No. 107-110].
□ The LEA has consulted with teachers, researchers, school administrators, and parents, and if appropriate, with education-related community groups and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education, developing Title III programs and activities [NCLB, Pub. L. No. 107-110].
□ The LEA has developed programs and activities for ELs and immigrant children and youth [NCLB, Pub. L. No. 107- 110].
□ The LEA is not in violation of any State law, including State constitutional law, regarding the education of limited English proficient children, consistent with sections 3126 and 3127 (NCLB, Pub. L. No. 107-110).
□ The LEA provides information and communication to the parent(s) in the language the parent(s) understand to the extent practicable. [NCLB Sec. 3302(c)]
□ The LEA will promote parental and community participation in programs for ELs [NCLB Pub. L. No. 107-110]. □ The LEA conducts an annual program evaluation and makes adjustments to programming as indicated by EL student achievement data. [NCLB Sec. 3121]
□ The LEA ensures that personnel funded by Title III are being used exclusively for EL students for the full amount of the apportionment of the funding.
□ The LEA ensures that teachers of ELs are fluent in oral and written English [NCLB Sec. 3116(c)]
□ The LEA ensures that Title III funding is not used for opportunities that are afforded all students, such as parent teacher conference translation. This means that interpretation and translation for ELs must be paid, not using Title III funds, rather, using LEA funds.
□ The LEA ensures the implementation of the English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards. [NCLB, Title IX, Part A, Section 9101].
□ The LEA monitors exited EL students for two years after exiting the program (Changing to 3 years required monitoring in 2016-7 based on ESSA). [NCLB Sec. 3121(4)]
□ The LEA notifies parents of program eligibility and placement within the mandated time frames. [NCLB Sec. 3302]
□ The LEA offers high quality professional development to classroom teachers (including teachers in classrooms that are not the settings of LIEP), principals, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel [NCLB, Pub. L. No. 107-110].
Appendix D
Southeast Valley CSD
Home Language Survey
Student Name: ______________________________________ Birth Date: ___________________ Sex: ❏ Male ❏ Female
Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Telephone: _____________________________________ Work Telephone: _______________________________
School: __________________________________________ Grade: ______________________ Date: ________________
Federal and state laws require the following information be collected about the primary and home language of every student upon enrollment in the school district. Please complete a survey for each child you are enrolling in the school district.
1. What language did your child learn when he/she first began to talk? ___________________________________
2. What language does your child most frequently speak at home? ___________________________________
3. What language is spoken by you and your family most of the time at home? __________________________________
If a language other than English is indicated for any of the above questions, the school district will test your child’s English language proficiency to determine eligibility for initial and continuing placement in an English language development program. You will be notified about the results of this testing.
4. If available, in what language would you prefer to receive information
from the school? ___________________________________
______________________________________________ ___________________________________
Parent or Guardian's Signature Date
Southeast Valley CSD
Por favor responda en inglés
Nombre del alumno: _________________________ Fecha de nacimiento: ___________Sexo: ❏ Masculino ❏ Femenino
Nombre de los padres/apoderado: _____________________________________________________________________
Dirección: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Teléfono de la casa: ___________________________________ Teléfono del trabajo:_____________________________
Escuela: _________________________________________ Grado: ______________________ Fecha: _______________
Las leyes federales y estatales exigen que se recopile la siguiente información sobre el idioma principal y el hablado en el hogar de cada alumno que se inscriba en el distrito escolar. Complete una encuesta por cada alumno que se inscriba en el distrito escolar.
1. ¿Qué idioma aprendió su hijo cuando recién comenzó a hablar? ___________________________________
2. ¿Qué idioma habla en casa su hijo con más frecuencia? ___________________________________
3. ¿Qué idioma habla usted y su familia con más frecuencia en el hogar? ___________________________________
Si se indica un idioma que no sea el inglés en cualquiera de las preguntas anteriores, el distrito escolar evaluará la aptitud en inglés que tenga su hijo para así determinar su calificación inicial y permanencia en un programa de desarrollo de dicho idioma. Le informaremos sobre los resultados de estas evaluaciones.
4. Si ello fuera posible, ¿en qué idioma le gustaría recibir información de la escuela? ______________________________
______________________________________________ ___________________________________
Firma del padre/madre o apoderado Fecha
Determination of Student Eligibility, English Language Dev. Program Placement
Southeast Valley CSD
Determination of Student Eligibility for Program Placement
Name of Student: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________(mm/dd/yyyy)
School: _____________________________________________________ Grade: ______________________________
Dear Parent or Guardian:
You completed a Home Language Survey when your child registered for school. On that form you indicated that a language other than English is spoken by your child or in the home. Based on this information, the school gave your child a test to determine his or her eligibility for placement in English Learner Services provided by funding from Title I, Title III, or both.
We used the ELPA21 Screener to test your child’s English language abilities in:
speaking reading writing listening
and we used other information, such as 1) previous education and social experiences, 2) written recommendations and observations by school staff that teach your child, 3) an Eligibility Placement Committee meeting, 4) mastery of basic skills in English and their home language, 5) grades from current or previous years, or a combination of these.
Based on your child’s results we:
_____ recommend that your child be placed in English Learner Services provided by Title I, Title III, or both if both are available.
_____ do not recommend English Learner Services provided by Title I or Title III for your child because your child does not qualify for these services.
If your child is placed in English Learner Services, we feel these services will help your child do well in school and meet graduation requirements. Please sign below where indicated and return this notice to your child’s school.
Thank you for your interest in the quality of your child’s education. Please contact us if you have any questions or if you do not wish to have your child placed in the program.
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Name Title
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Phone Email Address
Parent or Guardian: Please complete the section below and return the entire form to your child’s school
Name of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________ Signature: ________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________
Southeast Valley CSD
Determinación de elegibilidad del/la alumno(a) para su colocación en el programa
Nombre del/la alumno(a): ________________________________________ Fecha: _________________(mm/dd/aaaa)
Escuela: ______________________________________________________ Grado: _____________________________
Estimado padre/madre/tutor:
Cuando usted inscribió a su hijo(a) en la escuela, completó una Encuesta de lengua materna. En ese formulario, indicó que su hijo(a) habla otro idioma que no es inglés o que en su casa se habla otro idioma. En función de esta información, la escuela evaluó a su hijo(a) para determinar la elegibilidad para su colocación en los Servicios para alumnos de inglés que se ofrecen con el financiamiento del
Artículo I, el Artículo III o de ambos.
Utilizamos ELPA 21 Screener para evaluar el nivel de inglés de su hijo(a) en las siguientes áreas:
expresión oral lectura expresión escrita comprensión auditiva
y utilizamos otra información, como 1) experiencias educativas y sociales anteriores, 2) recomendaciones y observaciones escritas del personal de la escuela que le brinda educación a su hijo(a), 3) una reunión del Comité de colocación de elegibilidad, 4) dominio de habilidades básicas de inglés y de la lengua materna, 5) calificaciones del año actual o de años anteriores, o una combinación de estos componentes.
Según los resultados de su hijo(a), nosotros:
_____ recomendamos la colocación de su hijo(a) en los Servicios para alumnos de inglés (English Learner Services) que ofrece el Artículo I, el Artículo III o ambos, si los dos están disponibles.
______ no recomendamos los Servicios para alumnos de inglés que ofrece el Artículo I o el Artículo III para su hijo(a) porque no cumple con los requisitos para recibir estos servicios.
Si se coloca a su hijo(a) en los Servicios para alumnos de inglés, creemos que estos servicios le ayudarán a tener éxito en la escuela y a cumplir con los requisitos de graduación. Firme a continuación donde se indica y devuelva este aviso a la escuela de su hijo(a).
Gracias por su interés en la calidad de la educación de su hijo(a). Comuníquese con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta o si no desea que se coloque a su hijo(a) en el programa.
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Nombre Título
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Teléfono Dirección de correo electrónico
Padre/madre o tutor: complete la siguiente sección y devuelva todo el formulario a la escuela de su hijo(a)
Nombre del padre/madre o tutor: ____________________________ Firma: __________________________________
Teléfono: ___________________________________________ Correo electrónico: ___________________________
Southeast Valley CSD
Notice of Annual Assessment of English Language Proficiency
Date: _________________________
Dear Parent/Guardian(s):
Your child is currently enrolled or is eligible to be enrolled in the school district's English Language Development Program. The annual assessment of students enrolled or eligible to be enrolled in this program will be given on the following date to determine the progress students are making in English language proficiency.
Name of Test: ELPA 21 Summative Assessment Date(s) of Test: ________________________
In compliance with federal Title I and Title III (if applicable), and state regulations, this test is given to all students who are:
● currently enrolled in the school district’s English Language Development Program.
● identified as eligible for the district’s English Language Development Program but participation in the program was declined, and the student is receiving English language development services in the mainstream classroom.
The test will measure your child’s level of English proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Results of the test will be shared with you as soon as all tests are taken and scored.
If you have questions about the annual assessment or if your child is unable to attend school on the date of the test, please contact the following person:
Name: Tamara Hanson Title: ELL Coordinator
Phone: 515-352-3142 Email:
Tamara Hanson
Southeast Valley CSD
Aviso sobre la evaluación anual de dominio del inglés
Fecha: _________________________
Estimado(s) padre/madre/tutor(es):
Actualmente su hijo(a) está inscrito(a) en el Programa del distrito para el aprendizaje progresivo de inglés (English Language Development Program) o es elegible para inscribirse en ese programa. La evaluación anual de los alumnos inscritos en este programa o elegibles para inscribirse en este programa se realizará en la siguiente fecha para determinar el progreso que hacen los alumnos en el dominio del inglés.
Nombre de la prueba: ELPA 21 Summative Assessment Fecha(s) de la prueba: ___________________
En conformidad con las normas estatales y con el Artículo I y el Artículo III federales (si corresponde), esta prueba se aplica a todos los alumnos que:
● estén inscritos actualmente en el Programa del distrito escolar para el aprendizaje progresivo de inglés.
● se hayan identificado como elegibles para el Programa del distrito para el aprendizaje progresivo de inglés, pero cuya participación en el programa se negó y el alumno recibe servicios de aprendizaje progresivo de inglés en el salón regular de clases.
La prueba medirá el nivel de dominio del inglés de su hijo(a) en cuanto a hablar, escuchar, leer y escribir. Los resultados de la prueba se compartirán con usted tan pronto como se apliquen y se califiquen todas las pruebas.
Si tiene preguntas sobre la evaluación anual o si su hijo(a) no puede asistir a la escuela en la fecha de la prueba, comuníquese con la siguiente persona:
Nombre: Tamara Hanson Título: ELL Coordinator
Teléfono:515-352-3142 Correo electrónico:
Tamara Hanson
Southeast Valley CSD
Program Exit Letter
Name of Student: __________________________________________________ Date:___________________________
School: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Dear Parent/Guardian(s):
A recent assessment has shown that your child has made significant improvement in his/her ability to read, write, speak and listen in English. Your child was assessed with the following state and district adopted test(s):
ELPA 21 Summative Assessment
Your student's Level of English Proficiency is:________________________ Highest score possible is: ______________
Level needed to exit the English Language Development Program: ___________________________________________
As a result of your child's improvement in English language skills, he/she will transition out of English Learner services.
Thank you for your help as your child exits English Learner Services. If you have any questions or concerns, please call your child’s school or teacher. Your child’s academic progress will be tracked for at least four years to ensure that he or she is succeeding academically.
Tamara Hanson
ELL Coordinator
Southeast Valley CSD
Notification to opt out of ELL program or Services
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We understand that you would like to decline the English Learner (EL) program for your child. EL services are specifically designed to help your child to obtain English Language proficiency as wella s acquire grade-level content. However, you have the legal right to opt your child out of the program.
If you still wish to opt your child out of the program, please initial next to each item on the checklist below. Doing so will indicate that you fully understand and agree with each statement. After you have initialed next to each of the statements, please sign, date, and return this form to your child’s school. We will keep this document on file stating you have declined or do not want these English language services for your child.
_____ I am aware of my child’s English language assessment score and other information about my child’s current
academic progress and understand why he/she was recommended for additional English language instruction.
_____ I am familiar with the EL programs and services the school has available for my child.
_____ I have had the opportunity to discuss the available EL programs and services with the school.
_____ I understand that the school believes its recommendation is the most academically beneficial for my child.
_____ I understand that my child will still be designated an English Learner and have his or her English proficiency
assessed once per year until he/she no longer meets the definition of an English Learner.
_____ All of this information has been provided to me in a language I fully understand.
I wish to decline EL services offered to my child.
______________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________
Parent Signature Student Name Date